Making Connections

Fellowship Groups

Empowered Serving

Support Groups

Fellowship Groups

Women's Circle

All women of the church are invited to participate in the Northminster Women's Circle. The group meets on the 1st Tuesday of each month from September through June in the church parlor. Our two main focuses are Bible study and mission. The fellowship and friendships that have developed because of meeting are also an important part of this Christian journey we are taking together.

Using the Presbyterian Women's Horizons Bible Study series, the group has studied Genesis, Jonah, Ruth, Luke, Joshua, Revelation and The Beatitudes in recent years. The current study is The General Epistles. Through the donations of the members who attend, the group supports the mission projects of the Presbyterian Women via the Muskingum Valley Presbytery.

The members vote each year to send their hunger fund and personal donations to local mission projects, such as:

The Total Living Center

Pegasus Equestrian Center

Domestic Violence Project

Pathway Caring for Children

Pregnancy Support Center

Habitat for Humanity

The association asks for and receives support from the entire congregation for various projects that include:

Seat Covers for Kids

The Mitten Tree

Haiti Fruit Fund for handicapped children

Heifer Project

Stark Hunger Task Force

Presbyterian Women's Birthday Offering

Presbyterian Women's Thank Offering