Making Connections

Fellowship Groups

Empowered Serving

Support Groups

Empowered Serving

At Northminster, we believe that in addition to worship and formation group life, serving in ministry is central to the spiritual health of individuals and the community of faith. Below are several ways that all people are invited to serve (community members, visitors, & church members). If you have a passion and skill set to serve in a way that is not listed, let us know, and we can work to build a team of people to serve with you. The possibilities and opportunities to serve in ministry are endless! As Romans 11 says, "the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable." Let's build a ministry together. Contact us to get started in a significant and meaningful ministry of service.

Please consider how God may be calling you to serve Christ by serving each other and the church. Please sign up for a team where you feel your God given gifts can by utilized by God.

Music Ministry

Northminster has a strong music ministry program that involves all ages in singing and ringing.

Prayer Team

A church without an active prayer life is like a car without a motor. We are looking for people to pray for the ministry of the church on a frequent and regular basis. Prayer can take place in the sanctuary before worship, walking down main street, or at a local coffee shop. If you want to deepen your prayer life and impact the reach of the church, let us know.


If you have a heart for the people who worship with us, you might be called to be an usher. Ushers welcome worshipers, hand out worship supplies, and fill in all the gaps so that people do not fall through the cracks.